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·        Immobilienmarkt-Erfahrung in der Region seit 198



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Property sales in Baden-Württemberg: historically strongest quarterly result

Real estate investment volume up + 10.0% year-on-year

According to an analysis by the market research institute of IVD Süd e.V. on the basis of the land acquisition tax collected, property sales in Baden-Württemberg rose in the first three months of 2018 to around € 9.82 billion.

In Baden-Württemberg, € 35.1 billion was invested in real estate in 2017. Thus, a new historic high was achieved. The change compared to the previous year's result was +9.8%.

In the first three months of 2018, according to an extrapolation by the IVD Institute, property in the amount of € 9.82 billion was traded in Baden-Württemberg. Compared to the same period last year, the change is +10.0%.

In Germany, the total transaction volume between January and March 2018 totaled € 69.27 billion. Compared to the same period of the previous year, an increase of + 6.3% was recorded here.

"Growing demand for residential properties as well as inadequate construction activity have been causing country-wide rising housing prices for many years and, as a consequence, increasing real estate sales," says Prof. Stephan Kippes, head of the IVD market research institute. "The current noteworthy increase in real estate sales could be compounded by the slowly rising interest rates since the end of last year, because the fear of an end to the low interest rate phase could influence buying decisions and thus bring forwarding effects."

The real estate turnover analysis of the IVD Institute is based on the real estate transfer tax data, ie the real estate transfer tax collected by the tax authorities. Share deals in which real estate is traded in a corporate shell or even real estate transfer-exempt family-internal shifts are not included in the real estate transactions examined.

Sources: Immobilienverband Deutschland IVD, IVD Süd Stuttgart (MBA)

Further Information to Baden-Baden

In Baden-Baden up to € 5.800 per square meter in the new building, average of € 3,500 per square meter. For sold properties, the square meter price is up to 4,800 €, the average at 2,700 €. The average rent for new housing is 9,50 € per square meter, for existing properties it is 8,20 € per square meter. "

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